
Infant · Toddler · Preschool

Childcare in Lonsdale

We care for infant, toddler, and preschool age children at our Lonsdale childcare located at 201 - 23rd Street East and St. Georges Ave, North Vancouver. Our Reggio Emilia inspired program encourage growth and learning through the principles of exploration, community, and nature. Specialty programs include: gardening, baking, music, yoga, swimming for preschoolers, and integration with senior citizens.

We believe every child is wholly competent and has an inherent ability to learn about the world in their own unique way. As caregivers at Olive Grove Childcare, it is our role to listen and follow in the child’s pathways of discovery.

Lonsdale Program

  • Our Infants

    6 months to 18 months
    Educators work on building strong connections with infants through shared experiences and the act of caring.

    Our licensed infant program offers group ratios of 1:4 to ensure children receive continuous focused support. Each child’s sleep time, eating, and diapering is documented through HiMama.

  • Our Toddlers

    19 months to 36 months
    As toddlers begin to explore their independence, they are empowered through a quality learning environment that supports their autonomy and their natural curiosity.

    Our licensed toddler program offers group ratios of 1:4. Toddlers follow a flexible schedule where each child’s sleep time, eating, and diapering is documented through HiMama.

  • Our Preschoolers

    30 months to 5 years
    Children are encouraged to work together to explore materials and test out their theories in a rich environment that creates new understandings and collaboration.

    Our licensed preschool program offers group size varies per location. Preschool children follow a flexible schedule which is catered to the child’s interests and is documented through HiMama.

Meet the Team

  • Kelsey

    Kelsey Hird


    Kelsey is very creative & patient and has a passion for outdoor education. She finds working with children rewarding, as we teach them they have a tendency to teach us to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. She enjoys emergent curriculum alongside a warm and positive environment to help create independence, self confidence and empathy.

    Early Childhood Education, Capilano University
    > Infant/Toddler Certificate, Capilano University

  • Mitra D

    Mitra Delghandi

    Preschool Program

    Mitra has worked with children for about three years in Canada. She feels very proud and lucky to be part of such a great group of teachers. Mitra has a strong passion for working with young children as they give her positive energy and can turn around a bad day quickly! Mitra also has experience working with and providing care to children of various ages and understands the importance of interacting with children and their families positively.

    > Early Childhood Education, Capilano University
    > Infant/Toddler Certificate, Capilano University

  • Aya Hatakeyama

    Aya Hatakeyama

    Preschool Program

    Aya has a passion for outdoor education and she always gets positive energy from the children. She has previous experience working full time as a teacher for an outdoor education high school in Australia. She loves having conversations with children since they always surprise her in a good way.

    > Early Childhood Education Certificate, Sprott Shaw College
    > Infant/Toddler Certificate, Sprott Shaw College
    > Political Science Faculty, Kansai University

  • Enesia Chitheka

    Enesia Chitheka

    Infant & Toddler Program - Floor Supervisor

    Enesia believes that all children are capable beings and with the right support, they can accomplish many things. That support can come in different forms but it start with creating a connection with the children and working alongside one another to curate a curriculum. One that encourages, pushes and challenges both children and educators.


    > Early Childhood Education, Capilano University

  • Bianca M

    Bianca Moscaya

    Infant & Toddler Program

    Bianca believes that children are like the seeds of this world, to be nurtured and supported. She promotes a classroom environment where children can freely improve, enhance and determine their set of skills, both individually and as a team.

    Early Childhood Educator Assistant License
    > Bachelor’s of Language & Literature, Central Luzon State University, Philippines

  • Marcelyn Kedawen

    Marcelyn Kedawen

    Infant and Toddler Program

    Marcelyn was inspired by her childhood teacher to become an educator. Given the chance to come here in Canada from the Philippines, she was able to pursue and achieve her dream. Marcelyn believes in the potential and capability of every child; Effort, time and love are essential for adults and others to perceive and understand who the children are in their own uniqueness. As an educator, Marcelyn continues to collaborate and work with children, families and others while sharing diverse stories and the uniqueness of a child inside and outside of the room.


    >Early Childhood Education , Capilano University
    >Infant & Toddler Certificate, Capilano University

  • Manami Pedraza

    Manami Pedraza

    Preschool Program - On Maternity Leave

    Manami has been working with children of all ages since 2015. Throughout her experiences, she can truly say that she enjoys discovering what children see, think and wonder as early learners and explore together as a co- learner.

    Manami strives to provide children with environments and opportunities where children can freely explore what is around them, identify themselves and feel a sense of belonging.

    > Early Childhood Education Certificate, VCC
    > Infant, Toddler and Inclusive Practice Certificate, VCC


Olive Grove Childcare Lonsdale
201 23rd Street East
North Vancouver, BC V7L 3E4



Monday to Friday 7:30am–5:30pm