Health Policy

Illness · Runny Nose · Covid-19

Health Policy

What is your COVID-19 Protocol and Sick Policies? 

As COVID-19 virus remains in our community, we encourage all our locations to remain vigilant on best practices and proceed with an abundance of caution for the children, staff and families. Our management and staff are doing our best to keep our children and their families safe. For your peace of mind, we will always be transparent with our Covid-19 protocols and safety measures. We have rapid tests on hand at all locations and are available to our staff and our families. 

Olive Grove Childcare follows the current recommendations from the BC Centre for Disease Control. 

  1. Daily Health Check
    Children families are responsible for checking their children for any new or worsening symptoms before attending the location for the day. If your child is presenting symptoms (listed below), they are not to attend to prevent spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases.
    Staff teachers, administration and other staff members are responsible for their own Daily Health Checks and follow the same procedures as children and families.

  2. Getting Sick at School
    Any individual (child or staff) who are exhibiting the following symptoms will be sent home, to only return to school when symptoms have cleared, and they are well enough to fully participate in the regular classroom schedule.
    Return after 24 hours (unmedicated) of last occurrence.

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Loss of sense of smell or taste

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Sore throat

  • Loss of appetite

  • Runny nose

  • Sneezing

  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness

  • Headache

  • Body aches

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea (must have a solid bowel movement before returning)

Individuals showing symptoms consistent with a previously stated health condition (with current Medical Care Plans) can attend school, provided they are well enough to engage in regular activities. Staff to administer proper infection control precautions while an individual is waiting to be picked up.

Health Mgmt.

Onsite Communicable Disease and Covid-19

Masks as mask wearing is currently a Public Health recommendation, Olive Grove Childcare will support an individual’s personal decision based on their personal and medical reasons. Individual schools reserve the right to follow their own masking protocol, please check with your location for their mask policy. Masks may be mandatory for parents and visitors while inside the location during an outbreak.

Cleaning & Sanitation Olive Grove Childcare locations continue to follow cleaning and sanitation protocols as set forth for Covid-19 by the BCCDC and Vancouver Coastal Health licensing regulations.

Reporting to be considered an outbreak, Olive Grove Childcare locations will follow the Rule of 3 for Reporting to Licensing: three confirmed cases in a short period of time. If an outbreak is declared, sickness policies may be adapted to adhere to VCH guidelines for best practice. 

Center Closure Olive Grove Childcare reserves the right to close the location or a classroom in the event there is not enough staff (due to illness) to maintain educator: child ratios. In the event of a closure, the location’s manager will communicate to families as soon as possible.

When Covid-19 Positive or Exposed if a COVID-19 test is taken and returns positive, the individual is required to be isolated for 5 days. After the isolation period, the individual can return to Olive Grove Childcare when their symptoms improve and they feel well enough to participate in all activities.

Have you been notified that you are a close contact of a person confirmed to have COVID-19? If yes: please follow the instructions provided by Public Health and notify your location’s manager at your earliest convenience.

Have Questions?

Contact us directly and we’ll respond within the next business day.